الأربعاء، 28 يناير 2015

The most important tourist places in Madrid

The most important tourist places in Madrid
اهم الاماكن السياحية في مدريدMadrid is a cosmopolitan city in central Spain, which has many tourist attractions. Surprisingly, the presence of art galleries and talented football team, as well as a nightlife that is unmatched anywhere else in Europe. Madrid is a great city with many great buildings that stand comparison with the best architectural design anywhere else on the continent. In addition to the many things that you can explore in Madrid.

Characterized Ahaabanaa Besifaa sunny, making it a magnet for travelers point seeking a relaxing holiday, but the country's capital and largest city, "Madrid" no place for lazing about. Whether exploring the world of art museums in the city, which is staring at the architectural marvels while sipping milk in the sidewalk cafe or fun all night in bars and appetizers along the Gran Via.

Reina Sofia Museum
Has been designed Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Museum of modern complement to the Prado Museum of History. Was officially opened by Queen Sofia in 1992. Originally built as a hospital, then expand the museum in 2005 with a structure that was designed by French architect Jean Nouvel. Reina Sofia Museum is home to a wide range of business created by Spanish artists, including extensive collections of works of art by Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali that. Picasso masterpiece, Guernica, which conveys the horrors of World War II, is alone worth the admission.

Mercado de San Miguel
Located within walking distance of the Plaza Mayor, the Mercado de San Miguel is a popular shopping destination for local food and appetite. In the complex architecture of the cast features glass walls that offer products ranging from fish and shellfish salted to fresh pasta and cakes iron. Because the market stays open late in 02:00 on the weekends, so it has become popular to visit at night for visitors and locals can enjoy drinks and appetizers or hors d'oeuvres for. It also hosts events such as concerts and cooking classes.

Debod Temple
Debod Temple is one of the most unusual tourist attractions in the Parque del Oeste, near the Royal Palace garden and the Temple of Isis, the Egyptian god. Spain intervened to help Egypt build a great dam of Aswan, which means many historical monuments, and an expression of gratitude, the Egyptian government has granted Debod temple to Spain in 1968. And dug the old building for four years with a thousand with the lower reliefs depicting gods Amon and Isis.

Plaza de Cibeles
One of the most beautiful squares in Madrid Plaza de Cibeles is surrounded by many of the buildings constructed on the neo-classical style, including the Palacio de Cibeles stunning, formerly known as the Palacio de Comunicaciones, which was designed by architect Antonio Palacios. In the middle of the square of the statue, which is also considered a symbol of the city: the Fuente de la Cibeles. A great fountain depicting the Roman goddess on a cart drawn by black. It's also carved from marble purple by Francisco Gutierrez and Roberto Michel in 1780, and the fountain is the source of the internal waters of the neighboring houses.

Puerta del Sol
Located in the center of Madrid, and the Puerta del Sol, or "Gate of the Sun", which is at the crossroads where thousands gather every night in the New Year to welcome the New Year. Recent improvements to the yard limited vehicular traffic and turned the scene into a place for visitors to wander and enjoy the architectural wonders. Amid the clock that chimes in the new year at Casa de Curious, no government headquarters in the city. The statue of the bear and the strawberry tree standing on one side of the Puerta del Sol, Madrid symbol.

Gran Via street
It is known that the Gran Via as Broadway to Madrid because "the street that never sleeps," and the great street that runs through the center of Madrid Plaza de España Calle de Alcala's. Although the street now seems an integral part of the bustling capital, but it's actually a relatively recent addition to the city. Completed in 1910, lined the Gran Via with hundreds of shops, restaurants and businesses. The most famous building in the street is a building Telefonica, which was the tallest building in Europe when it was completed in 1929. The clock in the upper part of the American Baroque structure are local landmarks.

Retiro Park
Known as the Parque del Buen Retiro or Retiro, and Hialhaddikh deployed on 350 acres of gardens and fountains and buildings located on the edge of the city center. Retiro Park began as a monastery in 1500. Then it was expanded in the royal garden when Philip II moved his court to Madrid in 1561. It was part of the public domain since 1868. And a favorite spot for tourists and locals alike, the park contains a large artificial pond where people can rent canoes and boats. And the structure of the columns of curvature on the eastern shore is a monument to Alfonso XII. Zen and the Paseo de la Argentina, known as the walking statue, with statues of the royal palace that depict kings of Spanish throughout the ages.

Prado Museum
Museo del Prado is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Madrid. Because the structure of the 18th century, designed by architect Juan de Villanueva to house one of the finest art collections in the world. 2007 expansion easier famous museum has been submitted to navigate. With more than 7,000 works of art which represents the culture and history of the 12th century until the early 19th century, however, it is impossible to see everything in one visit. Visitors may wish to focus on the museum group of Spanish artists, including Goya, El Greco, Ribera da and Velasquez, one of the undisputed best collection of Spanish paintings in the world.

Real Palace
Real Palace, which is is the official residence of the Spanish royal family. This palace is located in Pailin Street, Palacio Real Madrid is one of the areas most important tourist attractions. This is a place that has many art galleries outstanding. Buildings ranging from medieval to modern, with neo-classical style, Gothic and Baroque here. Palace open to the public, except when used for formal occasions.\

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